Thursday, December 30, 2010
A Little Bit
sooo, i dont have much time, but this is an excerpt from an email I sent the team (and is reworded a bit). it will count as an entry. :P
so as hardly anyone knows, I looooooove Cake Boss. Its totally awesome. Buddy makes these amazing cakes that look so effing delicious its wrong...and you get to experience of his Italian family dramas! the ultimate, right? yes. so anyways, the other day, my sister and dad were glued to the tv, and what were the watching? A new Cake Boss reality competition called The Next Great Baker. Now this show is AWESOME. Ever seen Project Runway or Top Chef? Pretty much just like these shows. They design their cakes based on a theme for competition, and then a baker goes home every week. Its sweeeeeeeet (haha no punintended!). But im super excited cause watching the show inspired my sister to want to bake me a cake with an underwater theme! kuh-YEAH!!! We''ll see how it turns out. :)
So movies.....I saw TRON last week, which was really cool. (and even more awesome cause I saw it in 3D) but I also saw Tangled and loved it! Rapunzel has always been one of my favorite stories, so maybe I'm a bit biased...but still. i really liked it. Black Swan looks hella creepy. Im stayin away from that shit.
Er...books! It's kinda funny but I actually read that Hilary Duff book (Elixir)last week! got it from the local library, and read it with low expectations. but you know what? i liked it. I mean, she's no amazing or even great writer. She's average. But the story was cool and kept me interested. And when I finished it, it kinda left me wanting a sequel. Okay, maybe more than kinda. but you get the point. Books I recommend? they are all guilty pleasures. The House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast. These books are AWESOME. One of my most favorite series ever. (did I ever mention that I really love book series?) but yeah. the series is about vampires, but they are different from all of ther vampire novel (for starters, they spell vampires differently. -vampyres-). and the main character goes to a vampyre boarding school. Its so exciting and addicting. for realz. The Pretty Little Liars is great, and if you like murder mysteries and young adult books, read THE PRIVATE series. seriously. might be my favorite series ever.
so i would talk more, but I have to run. My family is driving up to Connecticut to go to one of my cousin's (and my) favorite stores: a store called House of Fins that sells live animals for aquaria. there was a manatee there last time I went that kept surfacing and was really friendly. hellz yeah.
alrighty. peace out!!!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
In the Sky
Listening to: Ashin’ Kusher by Kid Cudi
Location: On a plane in the sky (on my way to LaGuardia Airport in New York)
So it’s been a really long time since I’ve written. I think I owe it to myself, and to my friends, to share a little bit of what has been happening in my life. Writing down how I’m feeling always seems to help a little bit.
Even more family stuff has happened. Karen is doing better, but is still struggling. She’s been in and out of the hospital a few more times. I’m still worried about her, as I have everyday. Last night, I woke up several times in the night to sound of her whimpering and becoming restless in her sleep. I considered waking her up a few times, because I thought I should save her from her nightmares (as we did for each other when we were younger), but left her alone. I asked her about it, and she told me that they weren’t nightmares and that it was her medication. Her medication makes her restless throughout the night and causes her to wake up crying and such. And I feel really bad that she’s going through these things, and I don’t know how to help her. I feel kind of helpless with my own sister.
Well my first semester of college is officially over. It’s weird because it seems like it went by really fast looking back on it now, but during, it lasted forever. But this is nothing new. That always happens with time consuming things. I think I did pretty well – I accepted early on in the semester that I wasn’t going to get straight A’s like I had hoped. I’m hoping that I got an A in tutorial, and probably got B- in Calculus and a B in Chem. Damn Calculus II. Thank goodness I’m done with Calculus. I liked Inorganic Chem tho…and Marzluff was one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. Speaking of that class, an upperclassmen friend is taking it next year. He needs to buy my book! He probably will though; unless one of his friends will lend it to him for free, he won’t be able to find it for less. I need a ton of book for my classes next semester. I’m taking Intro to Anthro, Intro to Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies, Intro to Bio (Genes, Drugs, and Toxins), Jazz Traditions in America, Writing Lab, and FLOOR HOCKEY! Very excited for floor hockey. Now that soccer is over, I need to feed my competitive nature.
Next semester I’m going to have two new jobs. I quit Phonathon to work for my soccer coach with a youth outreach program, and to work for Nancy in the Athletic Dept. dubbing sports film. Yay!
Made some awesome friends. Hanging out with the soccer team is really fun, but I wanted to make sure that I met other people and had other friends. So now I have a nice sized group of good friends that I hang out with on a regular basis and they are awesome people.
Winter waltz and SoccerBall were the best out of all the parties so far. tons of fun and dancing.
Next semester I plan to audition for Noteworthy! I miss singing too much to not try to join. Alright, I’m getting sleepy.