Thursday, January 14, 2010

This week sucked

Okay so this week sucked. But the reality is that it probably wasn't even that bad, I've just been moody for the past few days.

so i finally got the gates-millenium scholarship turned in on time (huh-yeah!) with all 8 of its essays. that wasnt a relief until the day after. so what sucks is that on this day in which i start feeling relieved, i find out that all of the colleges I'm applying to are requiring that I mail in a bunch of forms, incl. W-2s and the CSS Profile, and some of these colleges have Feb 1st deadlines! so this is freaking me out, along with how much its ging to cost my parents to send out the CSS Profile to the required schools; its going to be like $100. D:

and im getting irritated with solo singers and choir. ive been in concert choir for 3 years and every year i think, hey maybe next year I'll finally get a solo! 3 years later, it still hasn't happened. And im annoyed because I work really hard in CC, and Mrs. Klopack doesn't even notice. I help the other girls with the notes and stuff, and someone else gets the credit. And Klopack has a reputation for giving a bunch of solos to the seniors every year, so wth is happening? i cant think of a single senior in CC this year that has gotten a solo. They all keep going to the same junior and freshman.

my Yale interview is this saturday. needless to say, im freaking out.

the soccer captains aren't communicating and its causing conflict among the team. they need to collaborate and work it out.

I am really second guessing myself when it comes to testing. I didn't do nearly as well as I hoped I would on the ACT, and I wonder if it is going to cause me to not get into any Ivys or top choices. I begin to wonder if I should have taken the SAT anyway, even tho I swore off testing after retaking the ACT, getting the same score, and then taking the SAT Subject Tests. Would I have done better? but the reason for why I didnt take it remains the same: i didn't have time to study. whenever the test dates came up, I was working on big scholarships, applications, papers, etc. colleges say test scores dont matter that much, but is that really true for the Ivys? How much will they consider applications with ACT scores less than 30? and will they even really consider mine with a score of 26? did i just waste my time applying?

The spring semester of Club Shedd filled up b4 I could sign up. :(

I have virtually no time for a social life and it makes me sad. i hang out with friends, what, once or twice a month tops? and it still sucks to be invited to get-togethers as a last resort or last minute because im still forgotten, or I have to ask to be invited. its been like that since freshman year and it still sucks.

why do I always like people who are completely unattainable?

will i ever work up enough courage to ask someone to prom? cause im almost sure I wont be asked. or will i choose to go with friends?

will princeton ever receive my teacher recommendations? -_-

im finding it nearly impossible to get an A in AP Lang. my grade just decreased by another whole percent today, making me want to give up. this time, i dont even know why i got a c on that paper.

i havent felt this down in a long, long time. i pretty much never feel like this. i feel so emotionally and physically tired. but i already feel a little better writing most of it down.

1 comment:

  1. Whenever you feel down, remind yourself that you aren't me.
